How to Create a Billboard That Grabs Attention

March 25, 2025Published By

Attention is the currency of the 21st century There are countless social media platforms, phone apps, games, ads, and more, all vying for attention Where that attention is placed determines who the victor of success is


How Many Billboards Are There in the U.S.?

March 18, 2025Published By

If you’ve fallen down an out-of-home (OOH) internet rabbit hole and need to know how many billboards there are, you’ve come to the right place The OOH industry has been wildly successful as of late, only adding to the vast sea of billboards and other advertising mediums within the US and around the world


How to Make Billboards Go Viral

March 11, 2025Published By

Making billboards go viral isn’t as hard as it seems There are phones everywhere, and the people who will spread the word over a viral-worthy billboard—what you need to do is be creative


Best Places to Put Billboards

March 4, 2025Published By

Advertising is all about location, and that applies to billboards, too Whether contemplating which social platform to leverage or which high-traffic businesses should be targeted for flyering, strategic placement is the key to any successful ad


Do Billboards Have Restrictions?

February 25, 2025Published By

Billboard advertising is one of the easiest and most effective ways to reach countless people in a desired city or community Massive visibility and exposure are certain, but one aspect often not considered is the restrictions on billboard advertising


Common Myths About Billboard Advertising

February 18, 2025Published By

Mixed up in the myths of dragons, wizards, and mermaids seems to also be the effectiveness of billboard advertising I’m not sure who made that mistake, but it’s about time someone cleared up the most common myths and misconceptions about billboard ads


How Much Do Billboards Cost?

February 11, 2025Published By

Billboards tower all around us, and they seem so impressive and powerful Such power and exclusivity must mean they’re completely out of budget, right?

Absolutely not! Billboards and other advertising mediums are surprisingly affordable and not only reserved for luxury brands and megacorporations


Billboards for Valentine’s Day, Proposals, and More

February 4, 2025Published By

Chocolates, flowers, and red hearts; grocery stores are lined with these mementos of love as we approach Valentine’s Day There is no better time to surprise someone special, whether a friend or partner, with something a little bit bigger than your typical 5″ by 7″ greeting card—how about something 14′ x 4′ for size?


Social Media Marketing and OOH

January 28, 2025Published By

Water and fire, oil and vinegar, and nails on a chalkboard—these materials clash and historically are unable to work together, resulting in a less than seamless mix

Social media marketing and out-of-home (OOH) advertising seem worlds separated and can be likened to polar opposites, but they are much more empowered together than apart


Billboard Advertising Tips for Beginners

January 21, 2025Published By

If you’re looking to expand your brand’s presence, achieve immense numbers of visibility, or turn a profit, out-of-home (OOH) advertising is the perfect way to achieve all of your goals
