Client Spotlight: Sheldon Jevon Beard Care

September 16, 2021Published By

Seven years ago, Sheldon Whiteside was shaving his beard to look younger; now, he rocks a full and healthy beard and owns Sheldon Jevon Beard Care, making and selling superlative beard oil

While in barber school, one of Whiteside’s classmates was cutting his hair and pointed out that he was always shaving off his beard before a cut Whiteside explained why he was doing it—so he would look younger—and his classmate suggested that he let it grow out So he did 

After a few years of growing out his beard, Whiteside noticed…

Fan-Sponsored K-Pop Billboards

September 8, 2021Published By

Billboard advertising continues to be one of the most prominent forms of advertising globally, with advertisers ranging from parents wanting to wish their children a happy birthday, to major brands like Apple advertising new products, and everything in between 

Recently, even K-pop fans worldwide have been dipping their toes into billboard advertising, on behalf of their favorite artists


When Were Billboards Invented?

September 3, 2021Published By

The billboard industry spans nearly two centuries, and many factors have contributed to the evolution of this sprawling advertising medium

From the sandy roads of ancient Egypt to the bustling lanes of 15th century London, the billboard industry can trace its origins across distant lands and time Let us focus in on a specific point in history that really lead to the fruition of billboard advertising 


How and Why Billboards Work

August 27, 2021Published By

Billboards have been a staple of the advertising world for quite some time, so why and how do they work so effectively?

Billboards are one of the oldest and strongest ways to advertise products, services, and messaging They are considered a form of out-of-home media, which is any type of advertising that is experienced outside of a person’s home, like bus stop ads and airport kiosks 


How Billboards Are Made

August 19, 2021Published By

The billboard posting and design process is fairly extensive, and the evolution of this process is quite fascinating

The process of making—or posting— a billboard ad begins with the buyer The leading question of any outdoor advertising project is, “What is the buyer’s vision?” After spending a couple hundred or even thousands of dollars on billboard space, it’s important that the buyer is able to bring their ideal advertisement to life 


States Where Billboards are Banned

August 11, 2021Published By

Believe it or not, billboards are actually banned in some states But why? 

Vermont, Alaska, Hawaii, and Maine all prohibit billboards within their borders These laws were enacted not too long ago; in fact, they came about in the latter part of the 20th century when billboards hit their apex, for better or worse Before the rise of the Internet and social media in the past 20 years, advertisers had fewer venues to promote their products and messages There was only print, television, and perhaps most importantly, billboards that offered opportunities for advertisement 

Can you Recycle Billboards?

August 3, 2021Published By

Not only can billboards be recycled, but they can also contribute to the health of the environment!

With the mass amount of billboards located across North America, it’s fortunate that they’re capable of being an eco-friendly way of advertising Traditional billboards can be recycled into moving palettes, backpacks, tote bags, and even surfboard bags In 2019, Lamar Advertising Company announced that it would be repurposing 2 million pounds of PVC (polyvinyl chloride) and 3 million pounds of PE (polyethylene) materials that billboards are made of 

Can you Buy Billboards?

July 29, 2021Published By

When driving by a billboard in your local community, you may find yourself asking, “Can I buy a billboard near me?” The answer is yes!

The next billboard you drive past can easily be yours Billboard advertising is not exclusive to big corporations like PepsiCo and Apple No matter what message you want to convey, there’s a billboard out there that is perfect for you 

It used to be that buying a billboard posed quite a challenge as it required researching the right vendors for your area and comparing…

All About Real Estate Billboards

July 15, 2021Published By

Selling homes might be difficult at times, but real estate billboards can make it easy! Large, clever billboards draw the attention of thousands of commuters as they pass by on the road At an affordable cost, billboards are cheaper than television, magazine, newspaper, and even digital advertising Billboards allow you to have flexibility in where you place your ad Let’s learn some more about real estate billboards 


Apple Billboard Ads

June 22, 2021Published By

Have you seen these Apple billboard ads? In 2015, Apple began the “Shot on iPhone” campaign that started one of the company’s biggest marketing campaigns to date The mission of this campaign was to have iPhone users all around the world capture images on their iPhone to be used on billboards, commercials, and other various ads Apple already had billboards promoting new products and services, but they now had enough material to run one of the largest billboard ad campaigns ever, using photos taken by strangers This campaign featured user-taken photos on 10,000 billboards…