Billboards for Veterans
Billboards can be used for many different purposes, whether it be for expanding awareness of your business to advertising special events, or even just posting a message. Billboards can also be used to highlight certain members of society such as veterans.
Creating campaigns for veterans is a great opportunity to connect with the 42 million members of the military community. Show your appreciation for veterans past and present by putting up local billboards about veterans or highlighting a specific veteran to honor service members in a memorable way.
What to Add to Your Veterans Day Billboard
Veteran Employee Spotlight
Another way to give a special thanks to veterans is to run a billboard campaign for military veteran employees. Consider adding the names and photos of company employees that have served to recognize their bravery and sacrifice.
United States Symbols
Another addition to your billboard could be famous U.S. symbols such as the U.S. flag, Statue of Liberty, and the bald eagle. The patriotic symbols will help viewers process and understand the message for Veterans Day quickly while they are passing by on the highway or walking around a crowded area. Try to keep the symbols minimal by choosing only one to keep the design simple and appealing.
Military Service Ribbons
A memorable way to honor veterans is to use the military service ribbons on your billboard. If you do decide to include them in your final design, make sure to enlarge them for viewers so they can identify the different versions of the ribbons.
Include Diversity
Make sure to pay attention to properly representing the military community in your Veterans Day billboard campaign. Women now make up about 27% of the military and approximately 41% of the military identify as members of minority groups. It is important to remember that the military consists of people from many different backgrounds so make sure that you billboard campaigns of veterans reflects this,
Discounts for the Military Community
You can also show your appreciation for military members by offering them exclusive offers and discounts on Veterans Day. Offer free products or provide an overall discount as a way to thank them for their service.
Show your gratitude for veterans by getting started on a billboard ad campaign on BillboardsIn. We can help you choose the best locations and even help you with your ad design process.