Inflatable Billboards

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Inflatable billboards are a unique way for advertisers to add an extra layer of awesomeness to their advertisements. 

In the past, we’ve explored some of the creative forms that out-of-home media has taken, such as wallscapes and 3D video billboards.

In addition to those, inflatable billboards can provide a new dimension to an advertiser’s message.

There’s a bit of nuance to describing an inflatable billboard. Sometimes you’ll have a standard billboard that incorporates an inflated object on the board, or a straight-up inflatable with an ad pasted on it (see the T.J. Maxx example below).  These inflatables are perfect for getting up close and personal with drivers and pedestrians. 

This is purely inflatable, while the examples below are more of a hybrid. Photo via mmediagroup.

The Florida Aquarium had a series of interesting billboards that were created by Soft Sings 3D. From the image below, you can see that the design does a great job of grabbing the attention of people passing by.

Sharks are awe-inspiring, and the Florida Aquarium knows this. They let the design do all the talking. Photo via Soft Signs 3D.

Soft Signs 3D have created other incredible billboard designs, my favorite being one for a Philadelphia law firm. The design shows a billboard installer falling down with a deadpan message beside it. It’s a striking and relevant visual considering the circumstances.

Instead of using a simple graphic, they took it a step further by employing an eye-catching inflatable. Photo via Soft Signs 3D.

In addition, Soft Signs 3D also provides behind-the-scenes photos of the production process for their various projects. It’s definitely worth checking out. 

I felt it was best to highlight a funny inflatable billboard, and this next one fits the criteria. Imodium is a medication to treat irritable bowels. The billboard shown below is hilarious for those who are familiar with the medication, and those who aren’t will feel inclined to look it up after seeing this board in their community.

As they say, “If you know, you know.” Photo via Twitter.

While inflatable billboards aren’t the easiest or cheapest to pull off, they’re definitely a statement. For more explorations into the billboard industry, keep up to date with our blog!