Out-of-Home Glossary

May 7, 2024Published By

If you’re looking to enter the world of out-of-home advertising, grasping the industry vocabulary is an excellent place to start Luckily, we’ve created a glossary of relevant terms so that you don’t have to!


Advertising vs Marketing

April 30, 2024Published By

Advertising and marketing are two terms often used interchangeably However, they are processes with distinct objectives and functions Though marketing and advertising are undeniably related, it’s important to also understand what makes them different, so you can better approach and utilize their functions


Billboards In Major Cities

April 16, 2024Published By

Even the best out-of-home ads are ineffective unless they’re seen by a wide audience When purchasing a billboard, location is a key factor to consider, and choosing to advertise in a major city is an excellent way to ensure your message reaches consumers


Billboards for Pet Stores

April 2, 2024Published By

There are tens of thousands of pet store establishments in the nation, and over 60% of American households are home to at least one pet—though often many more


Using Foot Traffic Data to Plan Advertising

March 19, 2024Published By

Foot traffic data, or footfall data, is an essential part of any successful advertising campaign By measuring the movement of consumers between physical locations, foot traffic data helps businesses advance in the local market by making location-based, cost-efficient marketing possible


Billboards for Caterers

February 27, 2024Published By

The catering industry has grown tremendously in recent years According to the International Caterers Association, nearly 70% of catering companies grew in 2023 With such a large percentage of caterers experiencing revenue growth, it’s important to maintain that momentum, particularly through advertising


How to Make Your Billboard Stand Out

February 6, 2024Published By

As one of the most effective marketing strategies today, out-of-home advertising is an excellent format for increasing the visibility of your business Through outdoor ads, businesses have a variety of options, including buses, benches, kiosks, and billboards Unlike digital ads, local outdoor advertisements in high-traffic areas will reach a wide array of locals and tourists alike without being blocked, skipped, or ignored In fact, according to the Outdoor Advertising Association of America, outdoor ads influence approximately 70% of their target audience


Billboards for Gen Z

January 16, 2024Published By

Comprising approximately 21% of the US population and nearly half of the nation’s total spending, Gen Z is a driving economic force Today, Gen Zers range from ages 11-26 and are only expected to grow in spending power as the generation matures 


Small Town Advertising

January 2, 2024Published By

The United States is teeming with small towns Out of over 300 million people in the nation, approximately 63% reside in small incorporated towns and cities Of those individuals, nearly 80% live in towns with fewer than 5,000 residents

There is tremendous potential in advertising to smaller communities Below are just a few of the many benefits distinguishing small town ads from campaigns in major cities

Competitive Advantage

There is an undeniable advantage in connecting with a local audience Word spreads faster through less populated communities, particularly when your message is strong and resonates with local…