Our Guarantee:

We are committed to making purchasing advertising a positive experience for our customers. Within the bounds of our very real business constraints, we will do everything we can to make your purchase something you want to repeat and enthusiastically tell your friends and associates about. To help set expectations about business constraints we have published the following refund policy:

Ad Space:

Once payment is made, static advertisement space purchases are non-cancellable and non-refundable. 

Static Exception: If BillboardsIn is given a 60-day notice from the campaign’s start date to cancel, the campaign is able to be canceled and refunded. 


Once payment is made, digital ad space purchases are non-cancellable and non-refundable. 

Digital Exception: If BillboardsIn is given a 30-day notice from the campaign’s start date to cancel, the campaign is able to be canceled and refunded. 


Exchange Policy: The purchaser (client) can switch to another board from the same vendor as their original purchase if the materials have not been printed and there is a 30-day notice given.


Artwork Services:

Custom Artwork Design ($249): If our team has designed a draft of your ad, we are unable to issue a refund as the service has been provided.

Artwork Review ($100): If our team has made any suggestions to the purchaser on design improvements, we are unable to issue a refund as the service has been provided.

Exception: If the purchaser purchases artwork review and decides they want custom artwork design, an additional fee of $149 will be charged to the purchaser.



Blog Post ($25): If your blog has been posted on BillboardsIn.com, we are unable to issue a refund as the service has been provided.


Digital Billboard Truck: Once payment is made, digital billboard truck purchases are non-cancellable and non-refundable.

Expedited Production: If the media has been printed and shipped, expedited production is not able to be canceled or refunded.


Damaged Billboards/Vandalization: In no event shall BillboardsIn, DOmedia, the vendor, or the land owner be liable/responsible for any damage or vandalism that occurs after a board has been installed. The purchaser is responsible for any vinyl reproduction and reinstallation costs.