QR Codes and Billboards

October 26, 2021Published By

QR codes are actually sometimes a legitimate design option for a billboard 

QR codes, also known as quick response codes, are the square barcode-like designs that are often found on event flyers and posters By scanning the code, you can open a website or file that is linked to it Every QR code design is unique, similar to a fingerprint 


Billboards and Music Releases

October 19, 2021Published By

Billboards are the perfect medium for promoting music artists, album releases, and other things relating to the music industry to a wide variety of people 


Are Billboards Expensive?

October 12, 2021Published By

Billboards are not necessarily expensive, and advertisers with varying budgets have the power to rent their own billboard space 

With a variety of billboards comes a variety of prices, but there are other important factors that influence the price tag of a board, such as location, size and visibility 


In-Game Billboard Advertising

October 5, 2021Published By

Billboard advertising has expanded beyond our reality and into the virtual world

Advertisers have increasingly been taking advantage of the opportunities to promote products within video games, a practice that goes all the way back to the early 2000s

Product placements in movies are heavily ridiculed for detracting from the audience’s immersion in the world, especially when the filmmakers make it blatantly obvious 

It can be argued that the opposite applies to video games, but it all depends on what the setting of the game is For instance, seeing a Taco Bell ad in…

The Movie Industry & Billboards

September 29, 2021Published By

Billboards are an incredible method for promoting the release of movies Oftentimes, it’s not just a form of advertisement—the movie industry pushes billboards to be an art form in many cases

To highlight this very notion, let’s explore some of the legendary billboard campaigns Every billboard has a theme that’s unique to the style and tone of the movie It’s the perfect way to generate hype 

While many agree that Godzilla (1998) was a bad movie, it definitely had a brilliant marketing campaign See below some of their brilliant utilizations of…

How Billboards Are Put Up

September 21, 2021Published By

When driving past billboard advertisements, their massive scale may give the impression that they require a vast amount of time and work in order to produce However, the process has become incredibly streamlined over the years 

Some advertisements come in the form of wall murals that are painted directly onto plywood, or brick walls in urban areas More commonly, however, most use lithographic prints on vinyl tarp sheets, which is what we’ll explore first


When Were Billboards Invented?

September 3, 2021Published By

The billboard industry spans nearly two centuries, and many factors have contributed to the evolution of this sprawling advertising medium

From the sandy roads of ancient Egypt to the bustling lanes of 15th century London, the billboard industry can trace its origins across distant lands and time Let us focus in on a specific point in history that really lead to the fruition of billboard advertising 


How and Why Billboards Work

August 27, 2021Published By

Billboards have been a staple of the advertising world for quite some time, so why and how do they work so effectively?

Billboards are one of the oldest and strongest ways to advertise products, services, and messaging They are considered a form of out-of-home media, which is any type of advertising that is experienced outside of a person’s home, like bus stop ads and airport kiosks 


How Billboards Are Made

August 19, 2021Published By

The billboard posting and design process is fairly extensive, and the evolution of this process is quite fascinating

The process of making—or posting— a billboard ad begins with the buyer The leading question of any outdoor advertising project is, “What is the buyer’s vision?” After spending a couple hundred or even thousands of dollars on billboard space, it’s important that the buyer is able to bring their ideal advertisement to life 


States Where Billboards are Banned

August 11, 2021Published By

Believe it or not, billboards are actually banned in some states But why? 

Vermont, Alaska, Hawaii, and Maine all prohibit billboards within their borders These laws were enacted not too long ago; in fact, they came about in the latter part of the 20th century when billboards hit their apex, for better or worse Before the rise of the Internet and social media in the past 20 years, advertisers had fewer venues to promote their products and messages There was only print, television, and perhaps most importantly, billboards that offered opportunities for advertisement